
Little Ones May be Grinding Too

2017-04-01T22:22:57+00:00December 4th, 2013|Categories: Dentistry|Tags: , , , , , |

Adults are often diagnosed with bruxism, or grinding their teeth at night. Following is an article that Dr. Holleron found recently related to bruxism in children. His comments on the article can follow. Community Based Study of Sleep Bruxism During Early Childhood The actual numbers of kids that grind their teeth while sleeping has been [...]

Donate a Toy… Get FREE Dentistry!

2017-04-01T22:26:41+00:00November 1st, 2013|Categories: Dentistry|Tags: , , |

We are partnering with the San Antonio Police Department this Christmas to collect toys for the Blue Santa program and need your help. The Blue Santa program started in 1976 in San Antonio when officers from the Community Relations Unit adopted some needy families in our community at Christmastime. The officers gave these families presents [...]

Technology Upgrades at Tooth Acres!

2017-04-01T22:34:38+00:00July 15th, 2013|Categories: Dentistry|Tags: , , , |

We've had a lot going on around here over the past few weeks and it's time to start showing off our latest additions! We are excited to announce that we have recently upgraded our office to digital radiography! This adds a great deal of convenience for our staff and patients. We can now display images [...]

The BPA Controversy Continues

2017-04-02T00:36:26+00:00August 3rd, 2012|Categories: Dentistry|Tags: , , , |

Over the last few years, there has been quite a bit in the news regarding the controversial use of BPA in product manufacturing, especially in products for babies and children. BPA (Bisphenol A) is a chemical that’s been used for over forty years in the production of many plastic items such as food containers, baby [...]