April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Think because you’re not a smoker that you are in the clear for oral cancers? Don’t be too sure.

Smoking and tobacco use are obvious risk factors for a variety of illnesses including oral cancers. Just look at this data from the ADA…

  • Current smokers were twice as likely as former smokers and four times as likely as never smokers to have poor oral health.
  • Current smokers were more than two times as likely as never smokers to have had three or more oral health problems.
  • Current smokers were about twice as likely as former smokers and never smokers to have not had a dental visit in more than 5 years or have never had one.

But the story doesn’t end with smokers…

Recent studies have shown that incidences of tonsillar and tongue cancers have been steadily on the rise which are associated with HPV, the human papalomavirus. Recent increase in media coverage of HPV has prompted dentists to begin to make the connection between HPV and oral cancers and educate their patients as well.

Oral HPV infections are considered an important risk factor for oral cancers in both men and women, including non-smokers. And, these cases are even being seen in younger patients.

As a result, dentists are not recommended to provide routine oral cancer screenings for all patients, not just those with typical tobacco use risks.

This connection between tobacco use as well as HPV and oral cancers is yet another reason to stay current on your dental preventative care including regular dental exams.

Give us a call today and schedule your check-up with Dr. Holleron. You’ll be glad you did!

2017-04-02T00:57:50+00:00April 3rd, 2012|Categories: Dental Health|Tags: , , |